The Halifax AU & NZ Litigation Funding Scheme

The Halifax AU & NZ Litigation Funding Scheme

This managed investment scheme known as “The Halifax AU & NZ Litigation Scheme” (ARSN 652 511 450) (Scheme) had been registered by ASIC on the application of Omni Bridgeway Investment Management Limited ACN 642 086 593, AFS Licence No. 524023 (OBIML) for the purpose of funding appeal proceedings (Appeals) for the benefit of those who are, at the time of realisation of all investments, “Category 1 Investors”.

Category 1 Investors are those investors in Halifax Investment Services Pty Ltd (in liquidation) (Halifax AU) or Halifax New Zealand Limited (in liquidation) (Halifax NZ) whose proportionate entitlement to or share of funds from the deficient mixed fund will be higher after realisation of all extant investments than it was on the date administrators were appointed to Halifax AU and Halifax NZ. Administrators were appointed to Halifax AU on 23 November 2018 and were appointed to Halifax NZ on 27 November 2018.

The Appeals were brought by a Representative of the Category 1 Investors appointed by orders of the Full Federal Court of Australia and the Court of Appeal of New Zealand.

Current Stage of Case

Judgment(s) in the Appeals have been handed down and unfortunately, the Representative was unsuccessful. The Representative does not propose to appeal the judgments.

In these circumstances, OBIML will not be accepting any further applications to become a member of the Scheme and the Scheme will be wound up in accordance with the terms of its constitution.

Please contact Omni Bridgeway on [email protected] if you have additional queries.



Contact Details

Omni Bridgeway Client Liaison Team
1800 016 464
[email protected]